Friday, July 20, 2012

The Initiation

       The Dauntless take the initiation process very seriously.There are three stages to Dauntless initiation: The physical, the emotional, and the mental.The Dauntless born initiates and the transfers are scored separately for the first stage, which is physical combat.

  • In the physical stage, initiates learn how to fight and are pitted against each other to prove what they have learned. They are scored based on their victories and losses.
  • In the emotional stage, initiates are put into a simulation where they face their fears, oblivious to the fact that it is a simple simulation, and have to calm themselves to get out. Members of Divergent seem to have a knack for this stage, as they are aware it is not real.
  • In the final stage, the mental, initiates are put into their fear landscapes, which reaches for every fear within the person subjected to it and creates a simulation in which they must face each one. This time, they are aware that it is not real.

The choosing ceremony is a turning point in Tris' life, while the initiation witnesses the growth and change of her.  The initiation makes her, to some extend, colder and tougher than before.

Some new thoughts-the setting of the story

        I have been thinking about the setting in this novel. There are five factions in the story, and each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue. That is interesting part, because everyone can only choose one faction and must show a nature or dedicaiton to the faction. Actually I wonder, how can one only show one virtue in his behavior through his life, and how can the divergent  become the  most unacceptible one. But it is also in this situation the plot develops. What Tris once thought left me a deep impression: "Maybe there is some Abnegation in everyone, even if they don't know it." Maybe the author is reminding us: everyone has virtues, but we do not realize it.  I don't think the five faction will fight each other--they need each other. To live, and to live safely, happy, need to be selfless, brave, intelligent, peaceful and honest. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The End & The Prediction

Finally finished reading Divergent.

Tris just shows her great braveness in love under threat. She would rather shoots herself than Four, or Tobias. The end of this novel is something I have expected: they fall in love and they escape. Only the death of the Tris parents make me feel bad for Tris. But as Tobias said, they died for love. So maybe this story is not so depressed as I thought before, because there is love, love between family and couples.

Peter's transformation is suspicious. Is he terrified by the Dauntless or Erudite, or maybe the war? Why he is trying to escape with them? Maybe he is just pretending, and seeking self-insurance.

Will's death is so pathetic! I guess, in the near future, Cristina might find out that it was Tris who shot Will. However, I don't want to see the estrangement between good friends. And Peter will be a danger to them. As long as he's alive, he might find a chance to revenge Tris' shot (hope I am wrong) on his arm. Similar condition with Eric. It seems that there are more difficulties for them to overcome.

For now, the story's setting is mainly based on three factions, but can Amity and Candor avoid involving into the war?

I will find more information on the second novel.
To be continued...

Monday, July 16, 2012

What is new?

It is shocking to learn the result of Al.

Poor Al, I feel pity for him. I think it must be very hard for Tris to forgive him---they used to be very good friends and how friends cannot trust each other and finally hurt each other. Al is weak, he is not pretending. And Peter is weak too, so he hurts other people to proof he power, evil power.
But why Tris finally didn't forgive Al, even if she knew that he was not meat to do that?

Yet it is exciting to see what happened between Four and Tris. Just wish them good luck.

And Christina and Will too, maybe?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

In the Dautless

Since Tris chosen to join the Dauntless among the five factions, she has experienced a lot: jumping from the height, fighting in the arena, risking death to find the flag...apart from all the breathtaking parts, the relationship between she and Four becomes subtle. I am expecting something between them...

About the characters...

The heroin and narrator of the novel. She is born in Abnegation family, but choose Dauntless in the choosing ceremony.  A divergent, brave, decisive, selfless and thoughtful.

 A capable, intelligent, also brave divergent . One of the main character in this novel, remind me Edward in Twilight.
Tris' friend in Dauntless.
The girl who stands opposite against Tris.

Tris' enemy, alway mock Tris and tries to hurt her. Selfish, evil, and contemptible.
The leader of the Dauntless' initiation. Ruthless, injustice, and aggressive.
Tris' friend in Dauntless.

Tris' friend in Dauntless.

Friday, July 13, 2012

An Introduction

       Written by Veronica Roth, Divergent tells the story in an imaginary world. In the Chicago of the distant future, society has willingly segregated itself into five "factions:" Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the kind), Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave), and Erudite (the intelligent). All 16-year-olds take an aptitude test revealing their true faction and then choose one to join -- regardless of which one they were born into. When Abnegation-born Beatrice Prior's results are inconclusive, her tester informs her she's a "divergent" and should never mention her results to anyone. Believing herself too selfish to be any good in Abnegation, she chooses Dauntless, where she rechristens herself Tris. 
        During the dangerous bloody Dauntless initiation process, she develops feelings for her handsome, mysterious instructor Four, who never fails to challenge her to perform her best, even as others grow jealous of her unexpected skills. And Tris beings to realize being a Divergent has both advantages and disadvantages.