Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The End & The Prediction

Finally finished reading Divergent.

Tris just shows her great braveness in love under threat. She would rather shoots herself than Four, or Tobias. The end of this novel is something I have expected: they fall in love and they escape. Only the death of the Tris parents make me feel bad for Tris. But as Tobias said, they died for love. So maybe this story is not so depressed as I thought before, because there is love, love between family and couples.

Peter's transformation is suspicious. Is he terrified by the Dauntless or Erudite, or maybe the war? Why he is trying to escape with them? Maybe he is just pretending, and seeking self-insurance.

Will's death is so pathetic! I guess, in the near future, Cristina might find out that it was Tris who shot Will. However, I don't want to see the estrangement between good friends. And Peter will be a danger to them. As long as he's alive, he might find a chance to revenge Tris' shot (hope I am wrong) on his arm. Similar condition with Eric. It seems that there are more difficulties for them to overcome.

For now, the story's setting is mainly based on three factions, but can Amity and Candor avoid involving into the war?

I will find more information on the second novel.
To be continued...

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